Why Was Alex Tew Able To Generate A Million Dollars Cash In Six Months From A Single Homepage? Some Thoughts I Had.
Just a bit more about this guy Alex Tew who generated a million dollars cash in less than six months through his website
http://www.millionairehomepage.com. I've been analyzing the factors that, in my opinion, contributed to the tremendous financial success of his endeavor.
I mean, let's face it. Here's a guy who created a website with one specific focus - raising money. No trickery or double-entendres about his intentions.
He says in his blog, "I created this site to generate money to pay for my university education." He didn't hide the motivations behind creating his site, and his selling proposition simply was, "I'm selling pixels to raise money at $1.00 a pixel, $100.00 for a 100-pixel square. Buy my pixels; support my cause if you like it. And in the process, gain some visibility for your own website/business enterprise and become a part of Internet history."
Behind this seemingly simple proposition, I believe, are key factors which provide lessons we can learn from and use in our own business endeavors. Here they are:
Executed A Singularly Focused Concept
(1) Tew created an idea with a singular purpose and focus. How many of us try to be all things to all people in our businesses? An elegant simplificity defined Tew's website concept; everyone who visited the site understood the purpose of his site and could envision the potential benefits of being a part of it.
Leveraged The Viral Nature Of The Internet
(2) He understood the medium through which he presented and delivered his concept. The Internet's defining characteristics are as an interconnected network through which information and reaction to information and events flow very quickly, much more quickly and powerfully than in normal human interactions. He knew that the site's core descriptive concepts - a web page worth a million dollars, the possibility of aggregating thousands of pixel purchasers into a website as a snapshot of Internet commerce in 2005 - would appeal to the masses of Internet users and adopters and word would spread quickly online, in chat rooms and via e-mail.
Took Advantage Of Human Nature
(3) He implicitly divined, from the perspective of human nature, the reactions he would get to his site. He played up the audacious novelty of declaring his intention to generate a million cash dollars through his site and marketing that idea, while focusing the attention of purchasers on both the attractiveness and benefits of the site (many hundreds of hits for the websites those pixel ads promoted) for those who chose to participate. In short, the site captured the imagination of its both ad purchasers and curious visitors.
Aggregated A Mass Action Play
(4) He anticipated the beneficial power of aggregating thousands of purchasers (10000 to be exact at $100.00 per purchaser) into viewing a site that he knew would attract through its audacious novelty millions of viewers.
Established His Own Value Proposition
(5) Tew established the value of his site's pixels through four tactics - (a) setting a minimum value on each pixel; (b) emphasizing the scarcity of the available pixels - only 1 million pixels on THIS homepage under THIS domain name - which once purchased, would remain as sold and assembled for five (5) years; (c) set a floor for their value in the minds of ad purchasers who would (d) validate that value through their decision to buy.
Generated Maximum Visibility
(6) And finally, he helped his own cause by promoting his site everywhere he could, making himself available for interviews in America and Europe, which created a cascading torrent of interest that brought even more purchasers and visitors to see what everyone was talking about.
Now what are the lessons I've learned and that I think are valuable for all of us as business people. Simply these:
(1) The product or service you offer must immediately be seen any potential purchaser as different from others offering similar products or services. Tew wasn't offering "a website"; he was offering "pixels for sale."
(2) You must establish the value of your product or service in the client's mind; contrary to what many businesspeople believe, the marketplace doesn't set the prices we charge, we do, through how we establish value and benefits in the minds of our potential clients. You've heard this concept variously called "branding" or the "unique selling proposition". It's why we value Mercedes Benz cars more than Chevys.
(3) You must demonstrate an integrity about the product or service you offer in that you deliver or perform exactly as you say you will when you say you will. Tew stated flatly what he would sell (pixels), what they cost ($1 each), how long the promotion would last (5 years) and exactly what result or response the purchasers could expect from their ad buys. His website contains a whole page of testimonials raving about how the ads they purchased generated much more traffic and clients to their sites than they ever expected.
We're prepping for the launch of our million dollar project; believe me, the example set by Alex Tew is one I plan to follow in our project's implementation.