Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Broken Bone - An Unbroken Spirit!

I promised you a follow-up on the results of my July 24th appointments. Well, a broken bone got in the way of those appointments. Not mine, my nearly three year old son's, who suffered a hairline fracture in his upper left leg after his older, three-times-his size brother stepped on his leg during some ill-advised roughhousing.

So I had to take my 35-month old son to the emergency room on Monday after listening to him howl in pain all of late Sunday night and early Monday morning. When the incident happened, the first thing he said to me as he crawled from his room to ours was, "Daddy, my leg is broken." I told him, "No, Xavier, it's not broken." But an emergency room visit and three x-rays confirmed that he had a fracture in his upper left leg. They fitted him with a plaster cast Monday afternoon; from my observation, he's a bit pissed at losing a lot of his mobility but otherwise seems to be taking, rather better than I would have, the prospect of having a cast on his leg through his birthday August 4 and for the next four (4) to six (6) weeks.

So I had to reschedule those appointments for next Monday. Fortunately, my client prospects understood and had no problem with the rescheduling. And we got another call from our mailing, and I was able to arrange an appointment for next Monday for this third prospect.

I've decided to spend Friday and the weekend making some follow-up calls to the propsects we targeted with our mailing. Perhaps our followup efforts will generate some new appointments. Tomorrow and Friday, I'll share some other blogging resources I've found. Monday, we'll keep our appointments and let you know what happened.