Friday, September 14, 2001

Tragic Events And A Challenge To Live Life Without Fear

As they have everyone else, this week's tragic events - terrorists hitting and destroying the World Trade Center and inflicting collateral damage on several surrounding structures - impacted me profoundly. Life's uncertainty has always been a reality to me; I've always considered each day as a present, for, as the saying goes, it's a gift. The truth of that philosophy has never been more evident for me than this week, as I contemplate the meaning of as many 20,000 people reporting to work Tuesday morning for a day they didn't realize would be their last.

So on Monday, September 17, 2001, I start my diary on the creation and operation of a million-dollar business. Some people are saying that we need to prove to these terrorists that we aren't going to be afraid and that life goes on. I say that if you weren't living that way already - without fear and with an appreciation for the continuity of life, whether you are here or not - then you probably need to examine how you are conducting your life. Life is short, and as my favorite football player Walter Payton once said, " Tomorrow is promised to no one."

I've decided on the kind of business I'm starting - advice and services - and am now working out how to organize my particular gifts and skills into the business enterprise I am establishing. My goal: create a business that generates $1 million in gross sales by the end of 2002 (15 months from now). Follow along, if you like. I'm going to set up a way for you to post your comments as well. See you Monday, September 17, 2001.