Day 46 - The Word Is Spreading!
I'm getting a fresh burst of energy! Everyone likes my work and all five of my clients are paying me and recommending me to others. My profit picture is improving: so far I've grossed $1,000 in fees off the original $100 investment. I haven't shared all of the thinking I've been doing about how to drive the project forward because truthfully I'm still figuring a great many of the steps out myself, but two truths that are obvious to me (but not always to everyone else) which were reiterated in an article a friend of mine read to me - you can't make a million dollars working for someone else and you have to pay yourself first before you pay any bills or any other expenses.
All things seem urgent when they aren't - and all things seem important when they aren't. Think about it1 When some money comes your way -whether it's one dollar or ten thousand dollars - what are the first thoughts that come to mind? Be truthful - aren't you immediately thinking, "What can I buy? How can I spend this money?" Those thoughts are the ones that immediately invade your mind - "I've got some money now, how can I spend it?" There are always temptatioons that creep into your conscious and subconscious thoughts that seem to compel you to spend your money on whatever needs or wants appear to be tugging at your mind in the moments right after you get your money.
We're all victims of the subconscious programming that directs us to spend instead of save, to expend instead of conserve. Americans are the world's biggest consumers and not coincidentally the world's worst savers. We save about 4% of our income versus an average 10% for the rest of the world and 20% for the Japanese.
I'm learning how to save and manage my cash flow and reinvest it - in marketing and promotional strategies and tools - to generate a consistently growing long term cash stream.