Day 42 - Expanding Our Client Base!
42 days gone, 142 days left and counting. Am I having fun? Am I enjoying this trip to the place I said I wanted to go when we started this six-month journey - wealth and independence? My motto always is "If it ain't fun why are you doing it?"
So far, not traveling as fast as I planned, but as Robert Schuller says, "Inch by inch, anything's a cinch." Since our last post, we completed our presentations to all five of the client prospects we acquired through our first mailing. All five prospects are now clients who agreed to hire us to perform our grantwriting/technology/consulting services. We finished a grants proposal for our first client, who paid us our writing fee, which put our business "in the black". Retainer fees from our four additional clients should be in our hands next week. Five clients are great but we need many more to have any chance of making this project work. And we need to bring some fun into the game.
The bottom line of business - make a profit. The real deal in business - make money and have fun.
We're not far enough along where I can say what I want to do for fun to celebrate, but I decided that the journey is important enough to me that we need some milestones to mark so here they are:
10% - $100,000.00
25% - $250,000.00
50% - $500,000.00
75% - $750,000.00
100% - 1,000,000.00
I'm gonna post this bit; I'll be back in a few hours.